Nikola Tesla Secret

These days everyone consumes more electrical energy than ever before. TV's, cookers, computers, stereos, and even the cars we drive all eat up electrical energy like theres no tomorrow. And, if you believe the newspapers, TV and general doom mongers we are all heading for an environmental meltdown with our reliance on fossil fuels. But, thank's to a long forgotten genius and some of the most groundbreaking work ever carried out in the field of science, a forgotten secret has come to light that could save the day(and loads of money) for all of us. Welcome to the unimaginable world of the Tesla Secret.

What is The Tesla Secret?
Around a hundred years ago, one man changed the face of science forever. Credited with being one of the most brilliant physicists of his time, and the grandfather of modern science, the eccentric but undoubtedly gifted Russian by the name of Nikola Tesla made a startling discovery. He found a way of generating electrical energy that can be used to power the gadgets and appliances that we all depend on using a free and abundant natural energy source - cosmic rays. Unfortunately his amazing work was lost - rumored to have been suppressed by the power companies who stood to lose vast fortunes if this information ever got into the hands of ordinary citizens, and it has remained forgotten until very recently. 

But now Tesla's secret has been rediscovered and its going to blow the lid of one of the biggest monopolies on the face of the planet. - the global energy industry.

With the hidden information contained in The Tesla Secret guide, you will learn how to create your very own power generator for only $100 - and then discover how to use that generator to provide you and your family with a  lifetime's supply of free energy! Imagine, everything in your home powered free of charge - just think of the savings - no more energy bills and no more being screwed over by the huge energy corporations. You could live off-grid, totally self sufficient and without fear of war, terror attacks, or natural disasters plunging you into darkness.

What are the Benefits of Tesla Secret?
Using the hidden knowledge contained in the Tesla Secret files you will be able to

  • Considerably reduce, or even eliminate your electricity bill
  • Build a generator large enough to power your entire house.
  • Create power without the need for the sun or unsightly wind turbines
  • Eliminate the need for batteries to store power if you use wind or solar power
  • Never have to worry about power outages due to weather, terror attacks or war

Does the Generator Really Work?

I understand that you might be a bit skeptical of this - after all it does sound a bit far fetched. But, I can categorically guarantee you that the Tesla Secret contains all of the information to build you own fully working generator. Whats more, the author is prepared to offer a full 60 day money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose. For just $100 and some rudimentary DIY skills, you can easily build a working generator that will power your home. Remember, the big utility companies have spent a lot of time, effort and money keeping this secret safe for generations - well they would not wouldn't they but thanks to the power of the internet they can't keep it from us any longer.

One of the most brilliant inventors of modern times, recognised and understood the power of this technology so you really shouldn't doubt that it does work.

Don't let the big power companies bleed you dry with their inflated monopoly energy prices. Instead, strike a blow for your freedom and independence and learn how to become energy self sufficient thanks to the power of 

Monday 16 July 2012

Green Energy Tips For The Average Consumer!

If you are considering turning to greener sources of energy for your home, you have found the right article! The tips that follow will offer you helpful advice on how you can implement greener methods of energy use, right in your own home and beginning as soon as tomorrow! Solar Power For green energy consumption, you might want to consider an alternative source for your power needs like solar power. If you live in an area with high sunlight year round, you can install these solar panels on your roof and supply parts of your home with this free and clean energy from the sun. Take shorter showers to get greater advantage of green energy in your home! Heating hot water accounts for nearly 14% of the average household's energy use and that can really add up. Cutting down on the time you spend in the shower will be better on the environment and your energy bills!
TIP! Those looking to save energy and live a greener life may want to consider reducing the amount of lighting in their house. Ask yourself if you really need four lamps in a single room, or read with a book light rather than using your rooms lighting at night.
If you cannot convert your entire house to solar power because of budget constraints, start with just one room. You can purchase a small solar-powered kit that will offer you enough electricity for one room in your house, and it costs significantly less than a whole-house conversion. This will provide you with some of the benefits that solar can offer, while still saving your tight budget. One very basic method of using renewable green energy in your home is the use of solar power to dry your clothes. That is, hang your wet laundry out on a clothesline. The amount of energy saved by not using a dryer is considerable, and it also gets you outside in the nice weather. Invest in solar power for your home. Adding a few solar panels to your roof can actually decrease the cost of heating or cooling your home by up to 50%! Talk to a professional about where best to install them on your roof, as the placement is very important to get the optimal amount of direct sunlight. You can save a lot of energy simply by investing in a tube of caulk and walking around the interior and exterior of your home, sealing any visible cracks or holes. Windy days are the best time to seek out less visible leaks, as you are more likely to hear or feel them.
TIP! Replace your light bulbs with eco-friendly bulbs. These light bulbs will last longer, burn brighter and use less power.
If you are planning on switching to green energy, it can seem too discouraging to jump in and do it all at once. While an entire home and land can be overwhelming, try narrowing your efforts to one room at a time. A good first step is a bedroom, where you can use solar power for just a reading lamp and a radio or alarm clock. Then work up from there! If switching your home to solar power is beyond your financial capabilities, try switching just one room, like a bedroom, to solar power. There are solar kits available online that can help you green a room, and this will positively affect your energy bills and carbon footprint for years to come. Use solar hot water. By installing a solar hot water system, you can use solar power to heat the water you use for everything in your home. It will work for your showers, washing dishes and doing laundry. If you are worried about not getting enough sun, you can invest in a small, traditional water heater as well. If it is holiday time, you might want to consider throwing out your old bulbs and replacing them with new energy efficient LED lights for your tree and your home. These lights use 90 percent less energy than the old style lights and will save you money during the holiday season.
TIP! Use portable solar panels. Small solar panels are now available for the home, and some of them are very affordable.
Everyone can benefit from savings, and the environment certainly can benefit from more efficient and cleaner sources of energy. Put the tips you have read in this article today to good use in your own home to reduce your carbon footprint, save energy for future generations and save you considerable amounts of money!